Juho Anma Hō
(Longevity Protection Massage Methods)
Idō Nichiyō Kōmoku
(Outline of Daily Medical Practice)
This Japanese medical manual was written by Hongō Masatoyo 本郷正豊 in 1709. This manual contains the Juho Anma Hō 壽保按摩法 (Anma Longevity Protection Methods) that I’m translating into English here for the first time. This early manuscript was designed for use by medical students who were going to become physicians. There are chapters on obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, massage, pharmacology (giving prescriptions), moxibustion, and acupuncture. There are a number of illustrations in this book such as a diagram showing the internal organs classified into the five Zo (spleen, heart, liver, lungs, kidneys) and the six Fu (colon or large intestine, small intestine, gall bladder, urinary bladder, stomach, abdominal cavity). This Japanese work is based on an older Chinese manuscript.

About the Author
Hongō Masatoyo 本郷正豊
- Hongō Masatoyo authored a number of very important medical manuscripts. The Idō Nichiyō Kōmoku 医道日用綱目 which I have provided the English translation of the table of contents for the first time and another very important work titled: Shinkyū Chōhōki Kōmoku 鍼灸重寶記綱目 in (1718) that I will discus in a sperate post.
- The date of his birth and death is unknown. He was born in Kyoto.
- His surname changed from “Misono” to “Hongo” because he inherited the Hongo family from his mother’s side.
- Hongō Masatoyo is Misono Isai 御薗意斎 great grandson. This is very import because of the school and principles taught in this family line which is the Mubun-ryu 夢分流. This school is famous for the technique: Dashin Hō 打鍼法.
- Masatoyo studied his father’s side medical skills Mubun-ryu 夢分流 in depth.
- Masatoyo was called by the shogun Tokugawa Ienobu in 1711 and went to Edo to appear before the shogun. Masatoyo was to explain and display his medical skills and knowledge. He was treated well by the shogunate.
Zhang Jie Bin 张介賓
Zhang Jie Bin 張介賓 (1563–1640) was a very important Chinese doctor who authored many works. He was a martial artist who served in the military in China. In his own medical works he specialized in methods of curing illness and prolonging life that focused on maintaining the Jing (kidney essence) through the Meimon 命門 (life gate). Masatoyo quotes from Zhang Jie Bin often throughout this manual.

Juho Anma Hō - Introduction
By receiving Anma people lose their illness caused by sick blood and energy. If the body is weak and the blood circulation is poor, the result is illness. The person does not become ill if they constantly exercise their hands, feet, or body, and they consume good food and maintain the circulation of blood and fluids, in this manner they do not become ill.
On the Yōjō 養生 (life care) theory of Zhang Jie Bin 張介賓 (1563–1640) he says in short, if you don’t want to get sick, loosen the knots, soften the muscles, and harmonize your mind. There is no interest in seeing the current style of amateurs. Do not hurt people’s vitality by putting too much force into them when opening up a relationship. These self-massage illustrations of Anma which will be shown, will help maintain your elements.
Method 1 and 2
Method #1 – To guard the liver organ (Kanzō) from Fuja Dokuki 風邪毒氣 (Evil Wind External Pernicious Energy) – Note: Saru をさる the monkey is the 9th sign of the zodiac related to the wood element. – Good for armpit pain. NOTE: near where the liver meridian line runs. – Sit flat with your legs out to the front, interlace your fingers clasping both your palms together, (extend your arms and stretch to the front) repeatedly return to the chest three to five times. NOTE: You can have both legs extended out or one leg and then the other. You should do all three stretches one after the other.
Method #2 – To get rid of the gallbladder’s (Tanzō) wind poisoning (Fudoki Jaki 風毒邪気) – Sit flat, hold both feet with both hands, (tuck your head), then while holding the legs with both hands swing back. It should be done three to five times.

Method 3 and 4
Method #3 – To get rid of the troubles of your Shinzō (heart), sit comfortably, use your fists with both hands to exert your strength (squeeze your fists), and hit the left and right sides (of your chest) six times each.
Method #4 – To get rid of the Fuja 風邪 (wind external evil influence) sickness between your heart and chest, hold your foot in your hands, and step on your hands six times each side. Close you eyes and after a long time, stop by clenching your teeth three times.
Method 5 and 6
Method #5 – To get rid of the Fuja 風邪積聚 (wind external evil influence) buildup/accumulation in the lungs (Haizō), sit flat, put your hands on the tatami mats, bend and raise your spine to open your back improve. Do this three times.
Method #6 – To get rid of the Fuja 風邪 (wind external evil influence) of the lungs (Haizō) and release grief from your Kyōoku 胸臆 (one’s inmost thoughts). Sit flat, with the back of your fist, hammer your Sekichu 脊中 (GV6) 3 to 5 times, on the left and right. Then close your eyes and clench your teeth together three times.

Method 7 and 8
Method #7 – To cure a disease of the kidneys, sit flat, then raise both hands and pull to the side of your ears three to five times.
Method #8 – To get rid of Fuja 風邪 (wind external evil influence) accumulation between the kidneys and bladder of the waist, hold the front and back of your foot and move it to the left and right. You should move it 230 degrees.
Method 9 and Nocturnal Emissions
Method #9 – Protection of the Hizō (spleen) from Fuja 風邪積聚 (wind external evil influence) accumulation – Sit down and stretch one leg. Hammer your Sekichu 脊中 (GV6) 3 to 5 times with both hands interlocked behind your back 3 to 5 times each side.
Isei Jishin no Hō 遺精自身の法 (Nocturnal Emission Self-Massage Method)
To cure nocturnal emission, bend down and “grind your bow” when you lie down. Bend both knees to the navel, one on the left, one on the right, use one hand to pull the scrotum, and one hand to cover the Tanden (two sun and five bun below the navel), keep your mind calm and quiet. Do not leak the essence. It’s a mysterious feat (Myōjutsu 妙術) to protect yourself.